
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Going green!

Although this post is entitled, "Going Green!" this is not a post about environmentalism...

I DO indeed care about our lovely earth!

The green I mean for today is pictured below:

I must say, this is far more appetizing to me than recycled plastic!

However, it is related to environmentalism in an analogy sort of way: I've figured out that my body's output can only be as good as the input. Makes sense, doesn't it? How can this marvelous machine make something great from only mediocre ingredients? And the same goes for our earth: it will only be as beautiful as the efforts we put into taking care of it.

This smoothie is very simple and very tasty. Just three ingredients and sixty seconds in the BlendTek and YUM!

Frozen Banana 
Coconut milk from a can

Most recipe writers will include portions, or measurements if you will, which, as you can see, I have failed to do. I am not really a recipe writer, after all!

Just understand my purpose in choosing to go green (in terms of drinking smoothies)... I have never been a fan of salads, so this way I can drink my dark leafies along with some disguising flavors! So, when it comes to amounts, I base it on how much spinach I have on hand and how much I feel like I still need to include in today's diet, etc... Plus, somehow, it feels empowering to not have to follow exact proportions and still end up with a yummy treat that's good for me!

Generally speaking, it's a solid handful of spinach stuffed into the bottom of the blender; one and a half frozen bananas; about a third of a can of coconut milk (stir the contents of the whole can first).

Enjoy! BOTH the input AND the output!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Excitement of Having vs. Getting

My son, Reed, is turning four soon. He has been telling me this for about 11 and a half months. Of course, the number four is not the real thrill for him... instead, it is the fact that with the "turning" comes a BIRTHDAY! Woo-hoo! Can you feel the excitement?!?! And, as you know, with a Birthday comes... PRESENTS!!!!

Last year, Reed turned three. This highly pleasurable event was what gave birth to the sense of delight that he now associates with the "turning..." He got so many gifts! He could hardly contain himself as he opened present after present. Ripping off the wrapping paper seemed to be the highlight, casting a shadow over whatever was hidden within. After relishing the sound of tearing gift wrap, he'd glance briefly at the toy, and then cast it aside as another present was handed to him.

He couldn't really keep track of it all, either. Within a matter of days, he had largely forgotten the newly acquired toys and settled back into his familiar -- and endearing -- imaginative habits of playing with whatever happened to be nearby, like his food if he was at the table, or a stick if he was outside.

In my consistent attempts to keep the clutter in our home under control, several of the ignored items have found their way to the local second-hand store, where, I'm sure, some treasure-seeker discovered their "like-new" quality and undoubtedly felt that they had scored quite a deal.

Remember the COLAS post? This seems to be a related philosophical deep thought -- that the excitement of GETTING something outshines the excitement of HAVING something to such an extent that we are no longer content once we HAVE -- we simply look forward to the adrenaline-rush of GETTING again.

I have been unfair in using sweet Reed as the example in this post... he's simply cuter than I am in his blatant, unabashed addiction to getting. I confess: I am just as guilty (if that's the right word) of this behavior! In recognizing it, though, I hope to start the process of reversing it.

I hereby pledge to choose to find just as much joy in what I already HAVE! 

I will strive to quit thinking I need the thrill of GETTING in order to feel joy!

I hereby relinquish the habit of filling my life with MORE clutter that I'll inevitably get bored with and eventually pass on to the next Getter.

It's a direly-needed attitude-change. It will take time. Might as well start now! Ready? Set? GO!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Parenting Books and the Scriptures

I love it when I get to gab... I'm naturally a talker (it runs in the family) -- and that's mostly only fun when there's someone listening to my bla-bla-blahs.

Today, my neighbor and friend, Regina, called asking about homeschooling. And she was a great listener -- I talked for 40 minutes!

One reason I like to talk is because I'm often surprised by how my tongue takes my thoughts and puts them into words.

I heard myself throw out the following:

"I have been reading parenting books since my oldest child was born. I feel like I didn't really grow and learn from them much, though, until I also made time to read the Scriptures. It's kinda like my 'innards' (excuse the redneck word) are a bunch of gears, and I've been wanting to figure out how to make myself run like a well-oiled machine. The parenting books were great info about which gear does what, and ideas of which screw might need tightening or which belt might need to be replaced. The Scriptures, though -- they have been the tools that help me actually accomplish the necessary changes. The parenting books provide instructions, and then the Scriptures provide the instruments to carry out the instructions."

I was simply narrating part of my life -- seeing the situation in my head and striving to verbalize how much the Scriptures have helped me feel like I'm not failing miserably as a mom.... In fact, quite the opposite -- any improvements I've been able to make in my mothering can be directly connected to the Scriptures and their power to change my "innards" -- the very core of my soul... because they lead me to my Savior! (Makes me think of this verse).

Somehow, my mouth was able to conjure up this explanation -- and I like it!

Thanks, Regina, for being willing to listen! I sure learned a lot! (I hope you did too and those forty minutes weren't wasted!)