
Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Miracle at the DMV

At the library the other day, I stuck my hand in my pocket to get my library card out of my wallet, and there it wasn't.

Not just the library card -- my whole wallet was missing.


As most wallets, mine included more than just the library card: a few credit cards, my driver's license, some cash, a frequent-bread-buyer coupon...

My brain just started collaborating with my iPhone and within about 45 minutes, while continuing with my normal matronly duties of driving kiddos every-which-where, I had cancelled all my credit cards, put myself on the fraud alert system with the credit bureaus, and told the library to be on the lookout. Then I ran home, grabbed every certificate and piece of paper I could think of to prove my existence and identity, and headed to the DMV. I warned my husband that it might be a while...

Eight minutes.

That is the truly miraculous end to my story. Eight minutes is all it took from when I walked in to the DMV to when I walked out, brand-spankin' new driver's license in hand.

WHOA again.

And then my cell phone rang. It was the librarian -- some good samaritan had turned in my wallet. Interestingly, when I called back my credit card companies, they still advised that I just get a new card instead, since that good samaritan had them in their possession long enough to have written everything down and try to use it online. They even mentioned that if that good samaritan had access to my driver's license with my address on it, I might want to keep an eye on my mailbox for when the new cards arrive.

Well, if that's what a good samaritan does, then of course, they aren't a good samaritan.

But at least I got my new driver's license in only eight minutes. I can focus on the positive!