Tomorrow marks the first day of spring! Time to start thinking about the garden! The garden is thinking about itself already -- a few of these scattered warm days have sent the message to the ground that it's time to GROW... and so we have the voluntary plants showing forth their greenery: WEEDS.
This means that before I can really put the garden in, I have to spend time working against nature. Gotta pull out its offerings by the roots, and demand that the soil contribute its nutrients to the seeds that I personally plant.
Weeds are going to come up in the garden. Why not give up on the whole vegetable thing and just grow weeds... then I would feel successful! Or would I?
This is all an analogy of course. I love metaphors. I love how nature tries to teach us certain messages -- even if it means we respond by training and wrangling and bridling it. Of course I won't really just throw up my hands and serve dandelions or whatever else's seeds happened to be blown in by the wind. I've come to recognize the need for conscientious planning, then planting, and continuous weeding and cultivating.
After all, I don't want weeds for dinner!
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