
Monday, August 12, 2013

All I ever needed to know, I learned from Grama Sue

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. We went out to dinner tonight -- and she looked dashing in her orange shirt and lovely scarf --  much younger than her 56 years. She is a wonderful woman who raised three fantastic children, one of whom I am so in love with that I cry tears of joy to be married to him! She is also an incredibly gifted grandmother -- sometimes I cry tears of envy that she's not my grandmother. :)

In tribute to her, I would like to publish a little essay I've been working on:

All I Ever Really Needed to Know, I Learned From Grama Sue

Hug when you arrive!
Hug when you leave!
Hug the child you just punished...
Love is spelled T-I-M-E.
Magic is spelled D-I-S-N-E-Y-L-A-N-D.
Read good books to children while holding them on your lap (the children, not the books)
Some things are more important than money (like a cabin in Brighton)
If you aren't snorting, it's not a real laugh.
Have something yellow in every room of the house.
Make special efforts to make the house smell good... like, bake cookies! Or "Scentsy"-tize
Listen for clues for good gifts for birthdays/Christmas -- and wrap them beautifully.
Live theater is a treasure worth supporting!
Wipe & Flush & Wash your hands...
...and keep strongly-scented soap in the bathrooms as a way to check!
Frame photos (not just portraits) and display them.
Spend less than you earn.
Be willing to serve the Lord however He requests.
Grama will love you even if you're as goofy as Grampa
Grama will love you even if you're as onery as her cat
Grama will love you even if you don't dust as often as she does

Thank you, Grama! I am striving to learn each and every lesson! You are wonderful and I'm so grateful you're my second mom!

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