
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mom's Hands

My hands get pretty beat up doing this mothering business. I don't bother to pay for a manicure because the paint job would just get ruined before my husband would get home from work and be able to appreciate it.

Here's a fairly nasty wound I got while trying to secure my daughter's car seat in the van:

Over the several weeks that it took for this boo-boo to heal, it was just-so-Jesus-like that it made me think a lot about how motherhood is a partnership with the Savior.

Oh, now, don't worry -- I know that I'm nothing in terms of any sort of comparison! While I strive to be Christ-like, I recognize that it is only through Christ's power that I can follow his example, and that I'll always fall short... However, I also know that he has invited us, even commanded us, to become more like him -- and if the closest I can get is a sliver of skin removed from the same general area as his nail prints, so be it.

The physical depth of my wound in contrast with the full piercing of his wounds might be close to the spiritual reality. He did the actual atonement, but he lets me play a small part in bringing my children closer to him. My suffering when I am working with a child's infractions and disobedience is, well, miniscule compared to his... I recognize that! I know my work as a mother is really only possible because of his great sacrifice.

In the metaphor of my owie, I received it when I was trying to keep my child safe from harm -- just as Christ's hands were injured in a similar act for our spiritual safety. Wow.

I'm thankful that mothering brings me closer to him -- even if it includes some pain! It helps me appreciate his love all the more. I love him and want to encourage my children to love him!

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