
Monday, October 21, 2013

The Timer: our friend and our enemy

I confess, I'm a bit of a wuss. I just don't like to be the bad guy. I avoid confrontation like I avoid eating from the garbage.

This is often a good thing. It helps me to put things in perspective and only confront someone or some situation when I know it is necessary, so a lot of nit-picky, dumb things are allowed to roll off my back and not cause trouble.

Usually, because of my fear-based procrastination, I wait -- and wait -- and wait -- until a good time. With that waiting, a lot of the heat-of-the-moment emotion that can cause confrontations to go sour is removed... Plus, I've had a chance to roll the words around in my head and work to come across in the way that I want to: sincere, caring, seeking to solve the problem and not just get on someone's case.

Well, as a mom, there's not always time for all that avoidance! Sometimes, ya just gotta take charge! Be decisive! Make things right! Judge, jury, and executioner, all in less than 30 seconds -- like when the sweet little wee ones won't share with each other, or sweet older not-so-wee ones won't get their chores done...

However, because it is in my nature to avoid such situations, I have managed to come up with a way to handle them without becoming the bad guy:

Introducing a fascinating little invention called: the TIMER.

Not just for avoiding burning dinner! Now also, for avoiding taking the heat from frustrated toddlers and teens.

We use a timer to help us know how long one kiddo gets to play with the toy. Oh, what's that noise? The timer is beeping? That means it is now time for the other kiddo to get to play with the toy. Can't argue with the inanimate object of the timer!

We have a timer in the bathroom to help the kiddos know their shower time is up! No more yelling about saving hot water for the next bather.

May the timer bless your life as it has blessed mine!!!

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