
Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Nose By Any Other Name

With Valentine's day still in the air, I've been reflecting on the love of my life and how I almost didn't marry him because of his nose.

My handsome husband has a Roman nose, as the drama world would call it. Pronounced. It was one of the first things I noticed about him when I saw him in class.

My nose, on the other hand, is not so disproportionate with the other features of my face. I have big eyes! I have a big smile! And so it goes, I also have a big nose... and it's crooked.

I figured if I married this man with whom I shared so much in common (besides the size of our schnozes) that I would be genetically dooming our future children.

I am SOOOOO glad I married him anyways! And a mere-though-sincere apology will have to do if (when) our children's noses reach their full potential... because it has been SOOOO worth the risk!

Dear children, I hereby promise not to spend your college tuition getting my nose surgically reduced and straightened. I encourage you also to embrace your nose as it grows because it just might be your ticket to finding your soul mate!

Sure, sometimes when I look in the mirror, I think back to the story I heard about Daddy's grandma and how she decided to go ahead and get under the knife. That was before she was married, though, and who knows how that affected her later first encounters with Daddy's grandpa and how Daddy may not have ever come to be without that surgery. (Funny, huh, that he still got the pre-knife nose).

As I stared in the mirror and pondered these things and how, even if I had the money, I would not choose to spend it in this way, it occurred to me that our respective noses just might be what helped us find our true love!

I dated quite a bit back in my young adult days. I don't particularly recall any of those young men having particularly large noses. They also didn't have the whole package of phenomenal qualities that my husband has... Maybe he was aware that his nose could deter a future bride, and so he had to make up for it by being the most romantic, most selfless, most trustworthy, most responsible, most faithful....

I simply blamed my nose on my Jewish ancestry and hoped the boys would focus on my eyes and smile instead. Somehow, even after verbalizing my fears of big-nosed-offspring, Ted still decided to marry me, nose and all. Whew!

This song really fits our family... Enjoy!

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