
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Confession Time

Well, I have something to confess. It is very hard to admit, because I don't want you to think that this admission to a lack of honesty overflows into other areas of my life.

Honestly, believe me, I tell the truth 99.9999% of the time!!!

But, sometimes...

Actually, I can safely say EVERY time...

... when I have to say that I have read the terms and conditions of an end-user license agreement before I can continue installing software...


Truthfully, honestly... I always check the "Agree" button even though I just scrolled as quickly as I could past the legal jargon.

For all I know, someday Apple will show up at my door, demanding that my children go work in the cotton fields as slave labor because that was part of what I agreed to in the fine print of the terms and conditions.

Every time after that, when I want to download some new techno-product, and it requires that I give the equivalent of my electronic signature by clicking "I Agree," I will have a tear form in my eye, fondly remembering what lovely children they were...

But I will keep on downloading stuff, carelessly and recklessly claiming to have read the paragraphs and sub-paragraphs and indented, capitalized portions. It is just not in my nature to take the time and mental effort to even pretend that any of it makes sense to me.

Once, when guilt persuaded me to at least TRY to read it, I noted that Apple strictly prohibits the use of iCloud to build or distribute weapons of mass destruction, including but not limited to nuclear weaponry and chemical warfare.

I'm glad they took the time to think that over thoroughly and get me to agree to give up that old hobby of dabbling in murderous ways to take over the tri-state area.

Really, though, if the bad guys are bad enough to do those things, they certainly aren't going to be virtuous enough to read that sentence stuck among the millions of stone-cold boring sentences.

They will lie their ammunition-laden belts off, just like I do.

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