
Friday, April 12, 2013

Handbones connected to brain bones....

The nice thing about blessing our home versus doing chores is that I can teach my sweet kiddos to do PREVENTIVE blessings...

The situation we are currently working on (and have been working on for months) is when they come home from school... They're so happy and relieved to be home, and of course, they need their hands free so they can hug me! So they drop their coat and backpack on the floor right in front of the door. Then they go about getting a snack or whatever and the coat and backpack remain there, ready to trip the next person who comes in.

I've decided that their brains need to be connected to their hands, so that when their hands are ready to let go of any given object, their brains say, "Wait! Don't just let it drop to the floor! Put it where it belongs!!!"

They really are very smart children, and their brains really do know where things belong. However, their brains just aren't aware of what's happening down at the end of the arms.

So that's when we put hands on heads and say in the spirit of that old folk song, "Brain bones connected to the hand bones!"

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