
Monday, April 29, 2013

MONDAY: So Far So Good

Okay, so I'm writing these posts on Sunday, April 28, and scheduling them to post themselves starting April 29 and then you won't get a freshly-written until the following Monday, May 6, when I will report on how our Screen-Free Week went...

Betcha can't wait.

So, instead of watching TV or writing up blog posts or checking facebook, our family will spend today, Monday, April 29th doing these things:

  • Family Reading Time (unfortunately, we've gotten sluggish about this habit, but we won't use previous failure as permission for future failure! Instead, we'll use Screen-Free Week as a chance to re-establish one of our favorite family traditions!)
  • Writing Prompts (this is something that Truman enjoys at his school, Endeavor Hall, so he's bringing the fun, inspiring activity home to us so we can all find the joy in taking a word, sentence, or picture and making a story about it!)
  • Board Game (it is vitally important to spell the word "Board" correctly so the kiddos don't think "Bored" -- got any on hand??? Monopoly should be in every home! Trivial Pursuit! Where's the old-fashioned Uno deck? Phase 10?) 
Stay tuned to find out what we've got planned for tomorrow... that is, IF we survived today...

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