Yesterday, I wrote about having beans in my fudge... Today, I'll report two things: I've been eating plenty of bean-y fudge and there are no gaseous side effects so far! That's a very important conclusion of the bean-fudge experiment to report.
The second thing is that I've thought about how fudge-with-beans can be analogous to life... are you ready? Put on your philosophical thinking caps and let's get lost in the metaphor together!
Life is sweet!! Sometimes sickeningly sweet (like fudge). Especially our 21st Century lives... we have so many modern conveniences, time-saving devices, and entertainment options out the wazoo.
When we hear about life even just one century ago, we moan and groan thinking about all the work those poor people had to do. Work, after all, is a four-letter word!
I submit, however, that work is like the beans in my fudge... Hey, bean is four-letter word, too!
Amidst all the sweetness of life, having something full of fiber and other vitamins and minerals and protein to balance it out is really, really important.
Admittedly, there is still approximately four times as much sugar as there are beans, which would, in my opinion, mirror the current ratio of play-to-work. Back in our grandparents' day, it was mostly beans and maybe a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down...
Sometimes, I worry about our work-avoidance culture. I notice how close the word Carefree is to the word Careless.
Yes, I personally would have a really hard time cutting out all the "sugar" in my lifestyle diet and going to straight beans. Yet, I'm glad that I still include *some* beans amidst the fudge so that if that would ever have to happen it wouldn't be a total shock to my system!
I want to raise my children with both beans and sweetness. I hope they think they're lucky that their mom tries to disguise the beans by smothering them in cocoa and sugar, making a medley of the two starkly contrasting elements of life.
And I hope it doesn't give them any intestinal discomfort!
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