
Monday, April 15, 2013

There are Beans in my Fudge!!!

There are beans in my fudge.

Black beans.

In my fudge.

Ya can't taste 'em. The fudge is still quite fudge-y -- *plenty* of sugar... and the kids love it. I was even honest with them about the beans and they didn't seem worried at all.

I'm sure there is some great metaphor waiting to be discovered here. However, it is too late at night and I woke up too early this morning and my brain is not functioning in its normal love-the-metaphorical kind of way.

So I'm going to go to bed, and maybe tomorrow I will be able to wax more poetic or philosophic or whatever about the beans in my fudge.

In the meantime, if you want the recipe, here it is (I tweaked the one I saw on Simply Living Smart):

1 Can of Black Beans -- about 1 and 1/4 cups -- drained and rinsed
3/4 Cup cocoa -- rounded
3/4 Cup butter and/or coconut oil, warm enough to be mostly liquid
4 Cups powdered sugar -- scant
2 Tbsps Vanilla OR 6-8 drops peppermint essential oil OR 3 Tbsp. peanut butter

Blend in food processor or blender until smooth & creamy! Pour onto waxed paper and refrigerate at least 20 minutes before serving. Keep leftovers in the fridge -- if there are any!


  1. You can use canned black beans to make brownies as well. If you use a boxed mix, just rinse the black beans very, very well, put them back in the can and then fill the can with water. Empty contents into a blender and puree, then mix with the brownie mix and bake as directed in the oven. I'm sure there's a recipe for making your own brownie mix, but I don't do that. :)

  2. Also, it's the bean water that causes most of the gassiness. :)

    1. Good to know -- makes rinsing the beans all the more important then, eh?!
      Kathy, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I still remember carpooling to college with you and enjoying our conversations back then. Ahhh, the wonders of the internet, connecting us through the years! And teaching us ways to use beans and chocolate together...
