
Monday, December 16, 2013

Don't get me started...

My son had an excellent idea today: invite his cousin, Ellie, over to play!

I phoned Ellie's mom (my husband's brother's wife, Becky) and made the arrangements -- and what a fun afternoon we had... because when Ellie comes to play, Becky and I get to "play" in the mommy way -- we chat!

Guess what? I'm sure you can't tell by the fact that I blog, but here's a little secret about me: I like to chat.

I breathe best in the oxygen of good conversation and deep discussion and witty banter and thoughtful verbalization on a variety of subjects!

The problem is, sometimes I have a hard time shutting my mouth and letting the other person give their two cents... especially if the other person has asked a question and shown a sincere interest in my answer, long-winded though it may be.

Well... Becky brought up homeschooling... and I hope she doesn't regret it!

I don't homeschool all of my children full-time at this point. But that doesn't mean I don't love it. In fact, as I shpeeled off to the willing listener, I realized how much I love it...

I love how adventurous it is! (Homeschooling is a misnomer, because we rarely stay home. Maybe carschool or museumschool or fieldtripschool would be better titles!)

I love how my kids really, truly absorb as we participate in a wide array of activities. Their interest-led learning turns them into little stinkin' smartie-pants...  and I love that!

I love how I go to bed exhausted after a full day of taking advantage of learning opportunities, and learning a lot myself -- homeschooling schools me!

So, Becky, I'm sorry I spouted off and that it was so hard to stop me. I'm glad you agreed to take the book even if it was just as a way to tame the wild beast of me! And if you do decide to homeschool, I hope you'll come over often and let our kids play, and let us chat!

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