
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Siri says: I don't understand Ha Ha Ha

I had an extra teenager living with me over the summer -- and it was a blessing!

Teenagers get a bad rap, but this teenager, Katrina, defied all those negative stereotypes. Rather than being grumpy and moody and non-talkative, she was bright and cheery and quite conversational -- and she loved to laugh!

Her sister, Jennifer, is one of my helpers. Katrina had just finished high school and was waiting to start college and so Jennifer invited her to live with us during the interim. It was fun!

Jennifer has a really fancy phone with a personal assistant all programmed in -- maybe you've heard of Siri?

Well, once, Jennifer was going to give Siri some instructions, but Katrina's laughter drowned out Jennifer's voice. This situation confused poor Siri, who robotically declared:

"I don't understand Ha, Ha, Ha."

Of course, this made all of us laugh even more!

It got me thinking, though (believe it or not, this brain of mine does think, approximately 4 percent of the time)...

When I'm having to crack the whip and get my kids to do their chores bless our home, I am just like Siri with absolutely no sense of humor.

This post is a reprimand to myself to lighten up and learn to understand Ha, Ha, Ha. Anybody got any suggestions for how to make this come naturally, rather than having to program myself?! I want to laugh -- I really do! I just also want the house to get blessed!! Without dawdling!! But with giggling and good moods...

So it will remind me of Katrina, the great teenager!


  1. How funny! Siri can be fun. My husband has it on his ipad and we played with it one day...then later that night, I heard my toddler asking Siri where the ice cream was. Made me laugh. I haven't figured out how to make cleaning up fun yet, but sometimes when I put some fun music on while cleaning, it doesn't seem so boring.

  2. So... did Siri tell your toddler where the ice cream is?!? Will Siri please tell ME?! Ha, ha, ha... oh, wait, Siri doesn't understand that...
    Love the idea about music. I have done that too and even told myself I was exercising at the same time as cleaning since I would dance along. Somehow this idea of multi-tasking also helps my attitude!
