
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Befores and Afters of Potty-Training

For some reason, I want to share a little tidbit about potty-training.

I've convinced six children to give up the convenience of diapers, and it's not easy.

Something I've learned is to suggest pottying OFTEN. Accept the "no" answer, which will inevitably come. The problem for me, is that I often get busy with normal life that I don't remember to suggest potty-time...

So, one way I trigger my brain to suggest potty-time is the BEFORE and AFTER rule.

If it is mealtime, I suggest pottying first, and then again after the meal.

If we are going to go somewhere, I suggest a visit to the toilet before we get in the car, and after we have arrived.

If wee-little-pee-pee-person wants to watch a movie, I practically require some action in the bathroom before I'll turn on the TV... and then again, afterwards.

Bedtime gets the same consideration. My mom taught me not to put my little potty-trainers in diapers at night. She has some theories about how it affects their psychological development. So, part of the bedtime routine AND part of the wake-up routine is... you got it, potty-time!

It's a good tip for people like me who get easily distracted and might not remember that we're supposed to be spearheading the toilet-learning until we are cleaning up the accidents! 

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