
Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Loss of my Brain

I like the feeling of typing. It's fun!

I am sometimes amazed at my fingers and their connection to my brain. When a word -- or even a stream of words -- form in my brain, I barely have to process which letters will combine to make the word/phrase/sentence, and like little tentacles, my fingers flit about wildly until my brain is splattered on the computer screen.

Lately, I've become rather reliant on the screen to take good care of the brain parts I share with it.

I tell myself, "Whew! Good! Got that out of my head and onto the technological device... don't have to think about it anymore!"

But then... {JAWS Music starts playing}


To try to put things in perspective for myself during these stressful moments, I try to focus on how grateful I am that my skull is still intact and I have not actually lost the grey matter within.

This tends to backfire a little, though, because really and truly, the grey matter let all that important stuff leak out because it figured that it was contained on the ol' iPod/iPhone/iCloud and there was no need to take up synapses and brain cells and what-not keeping track of things that had been transferred through these amazing typing fingers to a digital brain!

Tonight, I choose to post this to my blog in gratitude for the eight-out-of-eleven calendars that miraculously reappeared in my iPhone a few hours ago. The various Apple Support Guys (who are awesome, by the way) had spent well over two hours total trying to help me find these facets of my brain. They had mysteriously disappeared, even from iCloud.

No luck.

Then, bada-bing-bada-boom, there they were -- and I started to cry!!!

I want to be a responsible mama. Sure, sure, I blog under the name Clueless Mama, and yet I don't really want that to apply to me, particularly in terms of when to take which child to what activity and better yet, when to pick up which child from where ever!!!

Now that I have the majority of my brain back (the final three calendars are still floating around in cyberspace somewhere), I can be a little more responsible... and I am fighting the urge to return to paper and pen... relishing in the fascination of fast-typing fingers helps.

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