
Monday, May 13, 2013

My Favorite Motherhood Quote

I have a huge poster in my Mom-Cave -- it was a leftover decoration from the Successful Mothering Convention back in 2006 -- and it has this Sanity-Saving, Hope-Inspiring Quote by Jill Churchill:

There is no way to be a perfect mother
and a million ways to be a good one.

So, today, my journey of motherhood continued, and, surprise, surprise, I wasn't perfect.

However, there were a few moments when I was good. My three-year old even came and clapped his hands around my neck and said, "Good Mommy!"

Like when I arranged a play-date for that very three-year old and never once got mad at him for the zillion times he asked "Is it two-o-clock yet?"

Also, when we finished walking home from school, I gave everyone otter pops. Otter pops! Cheap way to score big.

Later, when we were about to leave for the doctor's office, my baby poop-sploded on my jeans. I didn't have time to change her clothes AND my clothes, so I went with poopy jeans.

Oh, and I punished two of my children for fighting during chores by making them weed the rock garden. Wait, wait, that's not the part I did good... this is: I went out and weeded with them. Partially to referee, but also just to be with them...

After the piano recital, I let Daddy buy everyone ice cream cones even though I'm well aware we are going to start seeing the hospital bills come rolling in. Gotta celebrate the piano recital!!!

So, Jill was right. If being a good mom can be as easy as wearing poopy jeans and handing out otter pops, then I can do this. I can do this. I claim to be clueless, but I can do this. (Can you tell I repeat that phrase to myself many times a day!)

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