
Monday, March 4, 2013

C.L.A.P. for Kids

Someday I'm gonna write a book! A New York Times Bestseller! Are you reading, Oprah, because you'll want this in your book club...

The topic: how to raise kids so we feel like applauding them... and ourselves... Of course it is an acronym, as you may have noticed in the blog title, and I'm SURE you're just itchin' to know what the letters stand for, so I will make you wait no longer.

C = Chores
L = Learning
A = Attitude
P = Planning Ahead

There you have it -- the four basic food groups of nourishing a child's character. Easy enough, right? So why would it take a whole book to explain?

Well, possibly because I like to make myself feel better that I made it into adulthood without a CLUE (oooh, I should come up with an acronym for that, huh?) about how to do any of these things, (let alone how to encourage and teach another human being how to do it) by thinking that I'm not the only one who missed out on a few of those character-building meals.

Here's my mom reading to some of my children plus a niece. We're a book family... I'm destined to write this!

So who would read a book written by a clueless mama? Funny, but people don't seem to worry too much about credentials these days -- I mean, just look at who we voted in for president! Ha ha ha! Thank goodness I live in a country where I can say stuff like that. Anyways...

Disclaimer: I must confess that I will simply be making money off of other people's concepts that I've just re-packaged in a clever new way. Acronyms are just about the most clever thing I can think of.

Stay tuned and I will give you a preview of the book as I blog about these elements of child-rearing. You could be so smart and save a little moola by printing out my blogs and poking holes in them and sticking them in a binder -- shibang -- you've got the book!!!

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