
Sunday, April 28, 2013

SCREEN FREE WEEK Starts tomorrow...

Screen-free week starts tomorrow and I am GIDDY with excitement! Woo-hoo!

No TV, no movies, no computer, no computer games, no video games, no Wii, no iPod Touch... If it's got a screen, we're pretending it doesn't exist.

What are we going to DO with ourselves and all our screen-free time?!?!?

Well, today, the kiddos and I are going to plan it all out (so we don't end up twiddling our thumbs and thinking the week was a waste).

Since this here blogger dashboard has the option of scheduling posts, I'll write up what our plans are -- to inspire you, not to make you jealous, of course! -- and each day will pop up what I am doing INSTEAD of posting on the blog.

That means that if you comment, I won't know about it until May 6th... so please be patient!

In case you're wondering why in the world celebrating Screen-Free Week is something I'm looking forward to, see this post and this post.

I get it! I get it, fellow mamas -- I TOTALLY get why TV has taken the place on its pedestal in our society.
  • It's a free babysitter, available at our beck and call (and then some...)
  • While my children are busy watching TV, they don't make messes (how nice! -- although this means they also aren't learning how to clean up messes...) 
  • They tend to get so absorbed that they don't fight with each other during the TV program (though, when they're done watching, I think they fight MORE than they would if they hadn't watched it at all... and again, they aren't being given opportunities to learn negotiation, compromise, forgiveness, and other positive relationship skills)
  • PBS and similar educational programming make us feel good about letting them watch -- "It's like Preschool at Home" is one of the ditties I've heard the network claim... though, preschool is interactive, multi-sensory, creative, and offers opportunities to practice playing and getting along with peers...
Why would I give up the free babysitter, free preschool, and fight-and-mess-preventer? It's hard to explain. Do you ever feel like giving it up? Can you explain it?!

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